Friday, January 10, 2020

Our Broken Science Fiction Establishment

Science Fiction, SJW, NPC, Media, Hugo Awards, Hugos,

Formally titled: More on Sci-fi Fandom.

I began this point in my post: Boobs and Dragons: My Disenchantment With Modern Sci-Fi, and feel I need to expand it.

First. Yes every once in awhile I stumble upon a gem in modern Sci-Fi fandom, and genre which does not present itself as if it exists with the singular purpose of telling me how awful I am for being a White heterosexual Male. Or overtly seeks to stomp on things which I used to love. It happens, not too often, but sometimes.

Like I said, I rather enjoyed Jupiter Ascending and I am fairly sure, The Wachowskis meant for it to be some radical take, with a Leftward slant. But the actual movie, does not play out like that.

Frak! I even enjoy Rogue One, its superior in every way to The Last Jedi and more respectful of its source material.

But my big issue and disenchantment with the genre and professionally produced material is its primary goal now seems to have an SJW agenda, and entertain by accident, if at all. Being 'Woke' now seems to be the Science Fiction genre's first function.

Lets talk about the Aftermath books for a second. They are bad, because Chuck Wendig chose to write them in a bizarre style, and unlike any Star Wars fiction ever written before. Its odd use of tense, is off putting and distracting.  That there are LGBT people in them is besides the point - Wendig's artsy style actually hurts, and does no service to the "Progressive" point he thinks he's making.

Look Dude, (Chuck) I sat and enjoyed four seasons of Battlestar Galactica, which had openly homosexual characters in it, this didn't bug me in the slightest. Ronald D. Moore handled this topic in a far more professional and mature manner than you and Disney appear able to do. This is not why your Aftermath books suck. The writing style is painful to read. Oh, and thanks to the clusterfrak which was The Last Jedi, are basically meaningless filler.

About those Hugo Awards - Or more to the point, Tor Books which as far as I tell is a prime epicenter of the SJW infection which pervades the Science Fiction genre. During the first Sad Puppies uprising I got my first glimpse into the sordid underbelly and levers of power which control Science Fiction fandom. What I discovered when reading many of these executives and their stable of approved authors and talent on social media and in the context of The Hugo Awards was, they hated me. Many, including public figures which I once viewed as iconic, HATED ME, simply for the sin of not thinking in their approved manner.

Why would I want anything to do with people, who clearly despise me?

Its not like things have improved since that first clash at The Hugo Awards, the entrenched power structure, rewrote the rules as a means to marginalize an insurgency within its ranks. I stopped paying attention to that battle after the second Sad Puppies and reached the conclusion, its just better The Hugo Awards die since its clear they now exist only to push the Social Justice Warrior agenda. Typically a Hugo call out on a book WARNS me away from it.

The infection is only getting worse. Disney Star Wars, was a bellwether, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe is soon to follow. Considering Marvel Comics is already so 'Woke' I'm shocked its taken this long.

We're not going to even bother talking about the state of modern Star Trek... I'm afraid its demise was sown, at least since the inception of The Next Generation, where Gene Roddenberry decided to go Radical Utopian.

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