Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Classics and Henkei MEGATRON!

Megatron, Transformers, Classics Figures, Toys, Hasbro, Takara, Henkei Megatron, Classics Megatron, Nerf, Nerf Blaster, Decepticon

I like Siege Megatron, however he has a very Gimli thing going where he is short and stocky - And he's an H-Tank. But he is highly articulated like nearly all Siege War for Cybetron figures tend to be.

So, if I like him so much? Why did I replace my default Megatron on my main shelf with Henkei Megatron? The Classics Nerf Blaster mold?

I don't even like Megatron as a gun. I feel no nostalgia for that whatsoever and prefer Megatron as a tank. But for all his good points, Siege Megatron comes off as sort of boring. Its not just a matter of the deco. The whole affair is just kind of - There.

OK lets talk about the toy at hand, Classics/Henkei Megatron. Alright?

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If only Megatron didn't have those obtrusive wings. Conversely I actually don't mind he has those wings. My only real complaint is, they needed one more level of articulation. I mean the box calls that shell out as "Wings", they should have owned it and made them part f the articulation scheme.


Is Classics Megatron a shell former?

At first blush the answer seems to be a resounding YES. Further consideration however leaves us in a more nuanced place. The entire shell can be removed without hurting the conversion. However the shell bits clean up the final result providing a more complete "gun" mode.

If you rip the wings off. You don't get both a "gun" and a robot. You end up with a robot minus his wing-pack and a Nerf blaster lacking its chassis. Typically shellformers allow for both robot and alt-mode to exist besides one another as independent entities.

See Siege Starscream.

What about his  crazy Nerf blaster alt-mode, anyhow?

Like I said. I am not big on Megatron as that The Man from U.N.C.L.E Gun. Fictionally it just does not work for me.

So why am I not bugged by this crazy space gun?

Crazy space gun is the simple answer. The more complex answer is, in my head canon, I think of this version of Megatron converting into a super-weapon cannon emplacement, and does not shrink down to be used as a gun by Starscream. Its easy to imagine that with this mold. The Takara version makes it very easy.

About that crazy deco.

I have both versions and find both appealing in their own manner.

Oddly. I am not bothered at all by the Hasbro deco. I could do without those orange bits. The neon-green however does not bug me. Not how it drives me insane on Beast Hunters: Optimus Prime. The green light-piping works for Megatron and the rest of the colors fit him just fine.

This 'bot has a presence. Its hard to appreciate unless you have him in hand. This feels to me more like Megatron in a way many figures do not, even though they might be more screen accurate in some ways. Maybe because its such a monster of a figure? It does not apologize for what it is and stands out in a good way.

There are a lot of great customs of this figure which help highlight its good points and refine its design. A removable wing-pack would have been great enhancement. However as I said the wings themselves don't actually bother me. I just wish the designers took it all the way and let the robot mode use them in a better fashion.

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